Fast comparison of Sony 12-24mm F/4 G vs Voigtlander 12mm f/5.6 @ 12mm

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Fast comparison of Sony 12-24mm F/4 G vs Voigtlander 12mm f/5.6 @ 12mm

Fast comparison of Sony 12-24mm F/4 G vs Voigtlander 12mm f/5.6 @ 12mm

Equipments :


Indoor with neon light and out door Sharpness at f/2.8; f/4 & f/8. Center, Edge and Corner edge

Max aperture  f/4 (Sony) and f/5.6 (Voigtlander):

Center area: Left: Sony 12-24mm f/4 @12mm; Right Voigtlander 12mm f/5.6

Corner Edge (f/4 và f/5.6)

Heavy vignetting for both lens, Voigtlander is not good as Sony and lost more detail in this zone

Edge zone (f/4 và f/5.6):

Same as Corner Edge zone, Sony lens is better

Detail at near center zone (zoom 300%)

The Voigtlander 12mm at f/5.6 have more detail than Sony 12-24mm f4 at f/4  

f/8 aperture

Center zone:

Left: Sony 12-24mm f/4 @12mm; Right: Voigtlander 12mm f/5.6

Corner Edge (f8) 

Same as max aperture, Both lens have heavy vignette , the Sony is better

Edge zone (f/8)

Same as Corner Edge zone, The Sony is better  

Detail in near center zone (zoom 300%)

The Voigtlander 12mm f/5.6 at f/8 is far better than Sony 12-24mm f4 at f/8

f/16 aperture

Center zone:

Left: Sony 12-24mm f/4 @12mm; Right Voigtlander 12mm f/5.6


Edge zone (f16) 

The Voigtlander 12mm is more improve control in this zone

Edge zone (f/16)

The Voigtlander 12mm is more improve control in this zone, nearly same at Sony in this zone, The Sony still better control  

Detail in near center zone (f/16 zoom 300%)

At f16 the detail sharpness are not different so much,  Sony 12-24mm f/4 G is litte bit more sharpness than Voigtlander 12mm f/5.6  


Color: Sony have cooler and Voigtlander are more warmmer, As larger aperture as color cast increase, the Sony more blue cast, The Sony is near natural color cast at f/8 and f/11 . The Voigtlander is nearly not change color cast at different aperture


Both lens have very good distortion control but the Voigtlander is litle bit better

Frame size:

The Voigtlander frame size is larger than Sony @12mm about 2-3%

Vignette control:

The Sony 12-24mm f/4 is more better vignette control than Voigtlander 12mm when test on Sony A9  (can be different when test with Sony A7RII) the Voitglander is more improve vignette control when close aperture reach to f/16

Center sharpness:

The Voigtlander 12mm have more sharpness than Sony 12-24mm at center zone and they are quite same at f/16

Corner Edge and Edge sharpness:

Because of better vignette control of the Sony 12-24mm so it is more sharpness than The Voigtlander 12mm  

The fast testing is base on Sony A9 body different than Sony A7RII (better vignette control sensor) so the result may be far different




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